Contact with the general practice

Below you will find an overview of all possible ways to contact us, with a reference to the correct page..

Before you visit your GP, first look at

You can make a telephone appointment quickly and easily here on the website. You indicate when you want to be called to make the appointment. The doctor will then call you back to make the appointment. So you don't have to call yourself or wait on hold unnecessarily. So pleasant!

Make an appointment

You can easily make an appointment at the practice via the portal. You indicate a time that suits you to be called back and then you make an appointment with the doctor. This way, the appointment can be quickly made at a time that suits you.

Make an appointment

You can submit a written question to the family doctor. You will receive an answer the same day in principle. Is there an emergency? Then call.

Ask your question via e-consult

Are you a fellow healthcare provider? Then call the practice directly: leave your number, name and question and you will be called back with priority.

Call the practice now

In case of emergency, you can always call 0880030600 and select the ‘emergency’ option. In life-threatening situations, always call 112.

Call now urgently!: 0880030600
Contact information
  • Huisartsen Westerpark
  • de Wittenkade 59
  • 1052AD Amsterdam
Opening hours
Monday08:00 to 17:00
Tuesday08:00 to 17:00
Wednesday08:00 to 17:00
Thursday08:00 to 17:00
Friday08:00 to 17:00


These frequently asked questions have been compiled based on questions we receive frequently. By providing the answers here, we save you the trouble of contacting us and we GPs have fewer interruptions in our work with patients. If you cannot find the answer to your question, you can ask the practice.

How do I log out of the portal?
How can I register as a patient at the practice?
How long will it take for my patient registration to be processed?
Why am I getting an email from Viduet?
What do I need to use the patient portal?
Do I need to make an appointment with the doctor?
How can I make an appointment?
How do I make an appointment at the practice?
How do I put my doctor's website on the home screen of my iPhone or iPad?
How do I put my doctor's website on the home screen of my Android phone?
How do I request my repeat medication?